Scholarship Opportunities!
Who We are:
The Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) is an international professional association founded in 1944. We advance the study and application of lubrication between moving surfaces. We strive to improve the performance of equipment and products, conserve resources and protect the environment through best management practices. This interdisciplinary field of tribology and lubrication engineering encompasses aspects of physics, chemistry, metallurgy, applied mathematics, material science, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering and/or applied mechanics.
CNC Machinist Student Scholarship
The Chicago Section of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (Chicago STLE) offers this scholarship to help prepare CNC machinist students for work in the parts manufacturing industry.
Emphasize the importance of lubrication and metalworking fluid management during the machining process. Expose applicants to tribology and its impacts on part quality, consistency & cost per part.
Candidates must be pursuing a certificate or associate degree in a certified CNC machinist training program accredited by the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS). The trade school or junior college must be in the geographic area served by Chicago STLE. This includes the greater Chicagoland area, as well as nearby locations not served by other local STLE sections (ex. northern Illinois, southeastern Wisconsin, northwest Indiana, etc.).
Students should email applications & a letter of recommendation from their advisor to Andrew Schiffer at by April 1, 2025. Subject line STLE Scholarship & applicant name.
Winner Recognition
The winner is invited to attend a regular Chicago Section STLE meeting, together with a guest, to receive their award. A complimentary dinner is provided. The winner will also be awarded a complimentary 1-year associate membership in STLE.
Contact Information and Referral Letter
Student Name, Email, Phone number: Trade School or Junior College, Certificate or Degree Program, and the Date You Expect to Complete the Certificate or Degree Program Name, Email, phone number and referral letter of your Advisor will also be needed.
Short Essay
What drives your pursuit of a CNC Machinist certificate or degree? What role do CNC Machinist have in management of lubrication or metalworking fluid systems? How does Tribology impact the work of CNC Machinist?; Subject line: STLE Scholarship 2025, Applicants Name.
Applications and referral letters should be emailed to Andrew Schiffer by April 1st, 2025.; Subject line: STLE Scholarship 2025, Applicants Name.