Mary Cuttill-Nielsen

2024-2025 Chair

Welcome to the Chicago Section of STLE! Our local section strives to promote education in the science of tribology. While the definition of tribology incorporates the study of friction, wear, and lubrication, it also is the science of interacting surfaces in relative motion. Motion can be described as an action or process of moving or changing place or position. As a section, we achieve this motion through education, outreach, and interaction with young minds with the hope that they will become the next generation of tribologists.

The Chicago chapter holds several monthly meetings encouraging people to share in their knowledge. Social and golf outings are a means of connecting with others in the society. Education, STEM/ Science Fairs as well as our scholarship programs are the means of providing information that can be passed onto younger people who may not even be familiar with this discipline.

I encourage you to attend one of our monthly meetings, take an education course or come socialize with your peers at the Social or Golf outing.

Thank you to everyone who has been involved with the Chicago Section both past and present, you have all had influence on someone either in their career or investigating the science we call tribology. I also want to thank our officers for their continued efforts to promote the section.